I want to share my journey with you as I explore/trace/analyse/critique/get angry over the nexus between gender, activism, emotions and memory.
While doing this, I want to keep my eye on women’s agency (ie not just victims of patriarchy and history) – can I and my feminist peers and you contribute a deeper historical understanding of women’s agency – from activists to archivists?
historian ~ gender, activism, emotion, memory
researching , blogging, photographing & linking to digital resources
‘This site’ ~ What’s it all about?
I am passionate about how we remember, misremember, don’t remember women’s and gender history.
Add to this an intense interest in the ongoing activisms and legacies of imperialism, colonialism, nationalism, and this is my work.
Let’s think about it…
However, even where and when women activists ¬ feminist, anti-colonial nationalist, labour and more ¬ are remembered, the form of memorialisation that is offered to them may not align with how they saw themselves and their legacy (for example, the many examples of male politicians ‘domesticating’ the memory of potent women…read blog etc for further info!).
This all makes for emotional histories and histories of emotions!